среда, 14 декабря 2011 г.

Garden & Country Recipes… with Rosmarinus

Garden & Country Recipes… with Rosmarinus
rosmarinus wreath


rosmarinus care

rosmarinus box

rosmarinus wreath diy

rosmarinus wreath ok
Con il materiale vegetale prelevato ho preparato alcune coroncine ornamentali.

Easy to grow plants, rosemaries require sunny places or partial shade and thrive in well-drained soils, poor, stony and chalky, they do not tolerate waterlogging. At the time of the installation, set up the bottom of the dig with stones and gravel.

Like nearly all the plants they should be watered regularly the year of the implantation. Afterwards they will be self-sufficient and their roots will look for the necessary moisture deep.

It is necessary to prune the herbaceous tips of the plant 3-4 inches in early spring in order to have a healthy and well-compact shrub that is not bare at the base, avoiding drastic pruning that might affect the woody part of the plant from which it hardly grows.

In summer, take from the not flowered branches herbaceous portions of about 10 centimeters. Remove the lower leaves and put the portions in a vase with a mixture of peat and sand. The cuttings should be placed in the shade and kept moist for about twenty days , when the first repotting will need to be done. To maintain the necessary humidity you may create a sort of small greenhouse with an overturned large glass jar or a plastic bottle.


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