вторник, 13 декабря 2011 г.

Garage Sale Freebie to Volkswagen Bus

Garage Sale Freebie to Volkswagen Bus

Early this past spring, I was on the hunt for furniture for our girls room makeover. They had a mish-mosh of pieces that didn’t coordinate and needed more space. When I spied a local garage sale had a vintage French Provincial set, I hopped on over. (Bedroom makeover coming soon!) Turns out a good friend was helping her family with the sale and showed me this dresser. I instantly knew it would make a fantastic Volkswagen …oh yessss…

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

This is an Art Deco waterfall chest of drawers. It was marked $5 and she told me I could have it for FREE because it was junk. (Thank you, Julie!) Again, my brain says, “Bring it on!” Am I crazy? Maybe, but life is more fun that way.

So, now I have two Art Deco chest of drawers (or tall boys) awaiting new life and my first pick to work on was the second one. I recently used those glass pulls on my French Script dressing table, so now this gentleman stood naked..but not for long!

To get started, I needed to remove that snaggle-tooth veneer. There were two layers of veneer both on the outside and lining the inside, but my towel-soak method worked like a dream.

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

It peeled like butter off of hot toast. Two layers in one fell swoop! Funny the things that can make you giddy. Now I have a clean slate to start with and the just need a light sanding.

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

The face of the cabinet had this weird carved strip that kinda creeped me out because it looked like eyes staring at me.

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

It’s beautiful in its own right, but wasn’t going to suit my end project, so off it goes. It’s being saved for a project yet to be determined. Nothing goes to waste around here!

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

After this big boy was brought inside, I gave it a priming coat and then set to work on my vision. I removed that scalloped piece from the bottom front to give it a clean look.

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

About two years ago, I had seen a waterfall chest turned into a Volkswagen bus, and I promised myself that if I ever got my hands on another, I was going to give it a try. I even told my friend, Julie, when she gave me the chest my plan was a bus. Those vintage VW vehicles are so absolutely fun and who can resist those curves?

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

I like to get creative with pieces like this, and I wanted to just let it all hang out and really go for it. I created my stencils with cardboard or used plastic lids, etc., and eye-balled the design.

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces
Can you see where I’m going with this? You have to look close…

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

I decided to use my favorite furniture color with contrasting white for the finish. With the help of Hickory Hardware, I was able to get the pulls I wanted to complete the look I was after.

*Thank you to Hickory Hardware for providing the pulls for this project.

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

I also had this sweet gem shipped in from the UK via eBay, and gave a sneak peek on social media on my upcoming project. This is the icing on the cake. (Come follow along to join in the fun – just click on the icons up in the top right.)

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces
Okay ladies and gents, it’s time to introduce you to one of my favorite makeovers ever…Meet BEEP.

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

I’m one proud mama and couldn’t be happier that this “junk” is now a funkified Volkswagen bus wannabe.

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

My heart goes pitter-pat over those wire pulls for windshield wipers, and I love that the turn signals are wooden knobs.

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

Isn’t he sweet? I have to tell you that I had another “God wink” because the day I was staging these photos, I happened to stop in a thrift store and found those almost new BLUE chucks and in my size!! I never shop for me and was giddy to bring them home. They don’t even look worn!

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces
Hard not to fall in love with this wheeled-wonder dresser complete with chrome accents, isn’t it?

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

It will be a teary goodbye when I send this guy off to his new home, but if you love him too, you can find him in my shop. I know he’ll find a good home. sniff…sniff. (UPDATE: BEEP went to his new home on 8/26)

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

Do pin and share if you’ve loved this Volkswagen makeover. I’m sure others would love to meet BEEP too!

A garage sale freebie Art Deco water dresser gets a sweet Volkswagen Bus makeover by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

Up next, this Dumpster Diva…she’s next on my makeover list. ♥ She’s all done with her new look!

Chest of Drawers Set out for Trash Rescued by Prodigal Pieces | prodigalpieces.com
Chest of Drawers Set out for Trash Rescued by Prodigal Pieces | prodigalpieces.com

More of my projects like my Volkswagen bus:

Ikea Rast Dresser Done Brownie Camera Style by Prodigal Pieces www.prodigalpieces.com #prodigalpieces

Original article and pictures take prodigalpieces.com site

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