I have entertained the idea of making my own homemade laundry detergent powder many times. I have seen many tutorials that show how to make your own homemade laundry detergent that is powder and HE friendly.
It certainly makes sense from a budget standpoint- it costs less than $27.00 for me to buy the ingredients and this homemade laundry detergent recipe will get me 271 uses! That is $0.10 per load, mama!
I have told you many times that I hate my front load washer. It is only 4 years old and is a nightmare. It gets clogged. It throws errors. It leaks during every single load. I will never buy one again. I am waiting for it to die so I can go back to a top loader. At the rate we’re going it won’t be long.
Well, in the last few months it has been dropping the liquid detergent in clumps onto my clothes and staining them- badly. Ruining many shirts.
This was the perfect opportunity to switch to powder detergent and the tutorials look easy enough. One of my sister-in-laws made her own detergent a few months back and really likes it and she is super picky. (Hi, Alex!)
I am going to show you how easy it is to make your own detergent. And, you can make it a family event. You’ll defiantly want to pin this so that you always have the recipe at your fingertips!

- 1 (13 oz) container of your favorite Downy Unstopables scent (totally optional for added fragrance)
You Will Also Need: (for the first time only)
- 1 (5 gallon) bucket for mixing and storing
- lid for the 5 gallon bucket
- air tight container for displaying your detergent in
- 2 T scoop, like a coffee scooper
- food processor (with the multipurpose blade and shredding blade)
Take the Borax, OxiClean and Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda and combine them into your 5 gallon bucket.

All of these items are super fine, almost like a powder.
Put the lid on the bucket and shake it up to combine.

Put the shredding blade on your food processor.

Take the two bars of Zote and cut them in half length wise.
Put them through the feed tube of the food processor with the shredding attachment.
You could also use a handheld cheese grater if you want to.

Pour all of the shredded Zote into a bowl.
Change the blade to the multipurpose blade.

Put about 3-4 cups of the shredded Zote back into the processor.
Pour about 1/4th of the box of baking soda over the Zote.
Run the processor on high for about 1 minute or until it is super fine like the batch of Borax, OxiClean and Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda.

Dump it into the bucket of Borax, OxiClean and Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda.
Repeat the Zote and Baking Soda process until all of it is processed.

My kids enjoyed mixing the powders by hand as I added more Zote and Baking Soda mixture to the bucket.
(Yes, my four year old draws on himself.)

Add the container of Downy Unstopables to the mixture.
Pop the lid on the 5 gallon bucket and shake, shake, shake until everything is mixed well.

Use a cup to scoop the detergent up into an airtight glass container that you can keep in your laundry room.
Store the remainder of the leftover detergent in the 5 gallon bucket.

Use a 2 T measuring scoop, like a coffee scooper, as your measuring device for your loads of laundry.
For each load add one scoop (2T) of detergent into the drum of your washer.

This will allow you to do 271 loads of clean laundry.

Here is what I am storing my detergent in that is readily accessible.
The rest of the batch is still in the 5 gallon container.

It cost less than $27.00 to buy all of the ingredients at Walmart.
This full recipe makes 271 loads- that is $0.10 a load! You can’t beat that!

Have you ever made your own laundry detergent?
More Household Resources

Original article and pictures take crystalandcomp.com site
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