пятница, 2 октября 2009 г.

DIY Concrete Planter

DIY Concrete Planter

Monthly Home Depot Gift Challenge day is here! It seems like just yesterday I was revealing my 2×4 project to you–this month has flown by!

home depot graphic

This month’s item was concrete, which proved to be more difficult than I thought it was going to be. It was definitely a learning experience, but in the end I’m in love with my DIY concrete planter, so the struggles were worth it

diy concete planter

Isn’t she a beauty? And want to know the best part about it? This gorgeous concrete planter is made from an old towel.

That’s right, you read that correctly.

An old towel.

Isn’t crafting amazing?!

DIY concrete planter

Materials needed:

– 1/2 bag of QUIKRETE

– 1 mixing stick for concrete

– water, accordingly

– 2 5-gallon buckets

– 1 towel

diy concrete planter
The steps to this project are extremely basic, and I’ll tell you my errors in the process so that you don’t run into them yourself.

For this project you’ll want to wear rubber gloves: I hear concrete poisoning isn’t too pretty!

First, fill half of a 5-gallon bucket with concrete (you’ll want to mix it with enough water to make it a little soupier than normal, but not too runny).

diy concrete planter

Take an old towel (I used a raggedy tan towel I found in our linen closet), and take a second 5-gallon bucket and flip it upside down. Lay the towel over the bucket to test the length of the towel. You’ll want the ends to just be touching the ground, but you don’t want too much excess. If your towel is too long, cut some of the length off on either side. Keep measuring the towel on your bucket until you get the size you desire.

Put your towel into the concrete bucket. Keep mixing your towel around and cover every single centimeter of it in concrete. This is the most important step–my towel had a few spots not covered in concrete, and you ended up seeing those spots in the final product.

Once your entire towel is covered in the concrete slush, drape it over the upside down bucket. Move it around and make sure the sides are even and laid out how you want them to look.

diy concrete planter
If you see any bare spots, now is the time to take some concrete and patch those spots.

Let the planter dry for 24-48 hours. Once completely dry, remove the bucket from the concrete towel. (EDIT** Drill two holes in the bottom of the planter for drainage.)

Flip the planter right-side up. Fill with soil and a plant. Display proudly!

diy concrete planter

concrete planter 1

I absolutely love the way this DIY concrete planter turned out–it really adds a creative and personal touch to our front doorway. I especially love how simple and affordable it is! By using a towel and buckets that I had on hand, the only expense was the concrete, which is less than $5! Can’t beat that!

But if you don’t have $5, we got your back. I’ve teamed up with the other bloggers in this challenge to bring you $100 to the Home Depot! You can enter if you do have $5 too, we don’t discriminate

This giveaway will run for one week, so tell all your Internet friends!

Now do me a favor and go check out the other amazing DIY concrete projects from this month’s challenge. It’s amazing what you can do with concrete! Click on an image below to be taken to the tutorial.

Have you been thinking of starting your own blog but haven’t taken the plunge yet? Do it, seriously. Hitting “publish” on the first post is liberating. Plus, did I mention more money now working for myself than I ever did in the corporate world? Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to start a blog in 10 minutes.

Original article and pictures take therusticwillow.com site

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