среда, 18 октября 2006 г.

2013 Year in Review

2013 Year in Review
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home


What a year!

I have no other way to describe it but by saying…

I. Am. Blessed.

It was my first year of Blogging full-time.

I have learned sooooo much along the way and hope that

The Everyday Home will be an even more enjoyable place to

come visit and learn – and most of all laugh – in 2014.

I was a busy gal this past year – so sit back and relax and let’s look

at a few of the projects I shared.

— January —

January was a very sad and frightening month for our family.

My sweet Daddy suffered a stroke a few days after Christmas,

and it turned our lives upside down. My sister and I literally moved

in with my Mama and Daddy to care for him full time.

So, honestly – blogging was on the backburner – but I did share a

re-post of my Winter Mantel which is still one of my faves.

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home


By February, as Daddy was improving, my son and I started

working on a project which I had been putting off for far too many years –

My Laundry Room and (lack of) Pantry.

One of my most popular projects was:


And I got into the Valentine’s mood by creating this easy

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home


About this month is when Daddy was getting much more improved,

and with a Home Health Nurse we did not feel like we needed to be

there 24/7 – so I started getting back into some of my projects and

blogging more, too.

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

I shared my project for creating the DIY Chalkboard Tags

which I had used in my Pantry Makeover.

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

Another Laundry Room/Pantry Makeover Project was

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

Last year, I made the conscious effort to use less chemicals in our

home, and that started with items such as our toothpaste and

mouthwash which I now make myself.

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home


As Spring was quickly approaching, I was busy with outdoor

projects, but managed to share quite a few indoor projects, too.

Such as “Recipes for Making Your Own Vitamin Water”

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

I also discovered that I love, and I mean LOVE, using fresh

clippings from the yard to create arrangements. I shared one of them

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

— MAY —

May in Eastern NC means Strawberry season, and a day of day picking

berries with the boys yielded a ton of fresh fruit and these…

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

Also, Yard Sale Season is in full gear. I found some children’s games and

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

— JUNE —

June found me Spring cleaning and decorating around The Everyday Home,

and that meant creating a Spring Mantel.

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

I also shared my MOST POPULAR POST ever…

10 Ways to Add Farmhouse Style to a Suburban Home

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

As the last of the Summer berries were dwindling away,

I shared one of my favorite desserts –

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

— JULY —

When July rolled around, I decided to totally re-do my two

Grandson’s Bedroom. Some Pottery Barn Kids sheets

inspired me. But, what was not so inspiring was the price. So I shared

“How to Get the Pottery Barn Look on a Budget”

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

I was featured in the online magazine

Celebrating Everyday Life with Jennifer Carroll” and this is the

fabulous Summertime dessert I shared.

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

July is my birthday month, and my sweet hubby treated me to a

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

My second most popular post of the year was when I shared my

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

Btw, I also revealed my new Laundry Room and Pantry during this tour.

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home


I was very honored that Miss Mustard Seed allowed me to interview

her, and it was a fun post to write.

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

I joined five other ladies in a “No-Sew Showcase” – which we

have since made into a regular, monthly event. This is one of the

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

It was actually a “two fer” project and I also shared…

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

I took you on a tour of The Everyday Home’s Farmhouse Kitchen...

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

Plus, I also shared how I keep my

Measuring Cups and Spoons Organized.

(my 3rd most popular post)

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

One of my favorite projects from this past year is my

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home


September was when things really started getting crazy around

The Everyday Home. I felt like I was going non-stop 7 days a week.

I was finishing up the boy’s Bedroom Project and completed these

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

I followed soon after with the full reveal…

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

And, as many of you were winding down your Summers, we folks here

at The Everyday Home were not sitting back and relaxing. No, no, no.

We (“we” as in “I”) were starting to pull out the bins and get ready

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home


As the Summer heat dwindled down in Eastern NC, cooler days

and nights sauntered in…bringing an onslaught of

Dollar Store Rubber Rats, Skeleton Heads and Glittery Spiders.

Yes, Halloween was in full scare-mode at The Everyday Home.

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

A “Monsters University Party” for my Grandson’s 4th Birthday…

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

Complete with Mike and Sully cupcakes and matching party bags.

Another “No Sew Showcase” Party had me scaring up this

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home


No sooner had the Great Pumpkin arrived, out came the Fall Decor bins

and The Everyday Home was soon covered in a plethora of Autumnal Bliss.

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home


Finally, we get to the last month of 2013, and we’re in the home stretch.

I won’t lie – I was getting tired and looking forward to an end of

year Bloggy Break.

But, first there were walls to be decked and I had a lot of

“Fa” to add to our “La”…

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

Starting with “How to Make a Lighted Doughbowl

and a “Lighted Birch Log Basket”

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

And, even more projects such as my

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

and finally…

2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home
2013 Year in Review at The Everyday Home

These are just some of the highlights and most popular posts.

So you see… it’s been a very busy year.

But, I have enjoyed every single minute and could not be happier

in my new job as a full-time, underpaid, overworked, glue-gun burned,

glitter-covered, cookie-eating Blogger.

I hope I have inspired you, made you think,

and allowed you to be creative, too.

But, most of all… I hope I made you smile.

If so – then I did my job well.

Wishing you and yours a Blessed, Happy,

Healthy and Prosperous 2014.


Original article and pictures take everydayhomeblog.com site

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