вторник, 17 октября 2006 г.

2011 Christmas Mantel

2011 Christmas Mantel

Hi friends! Just popping in quick today to share my Christmas mantel. Here’s a picture of last year’s mantel…

I knew I wanted something different this year to go with our new color scheme around here. I also knew that having our stockings hung on metal letters like we normally do would be a disaster/death trap for Kole. So I mixed things up a bit and here’s what I came up with —

I went with an aqua, silver, and white theme and am loving the new look! Kind of icy, don’t you think? In fact one thing I’m excited about is how this mantel will work for the month of January too. I’ll just swap out the Christmas tree and the garland and I’m good to go until February!

(Please ignore the reflection of my top kitchen shelves in the mantel mirror. Decorating is still a work in progress there. With all of my half done decorating, Christmas decor, and Kole’s love for pulling everything out of every cupboard, my house has felt a bit like a construction zone lately.)

Yes. I went back and got the larger basilica pillar Pottery Barn candles. You knew I would. :) Those embossed snowflakes are just gorgeous. I decided that I loved them too much to let them go. Plus I know I will decorate with them every year somewhere in my house during December/January for years to come. And I’m not regretting that little purchase one bit. My pictures don’t capture how beautiful they are and the way they sparkle in the light. My favorite purchase of the season!

Another fun purchase were these little silver birds I found at Tai Pan when I was visiting my family in Utah for Thanksgiving.

Aren’t they fun? I knew they would get along famously with all of the other little feathered friends popping up in my house lately.

I had these apocrathy jars up for my Fall mantel so I just replaced the mini pumpkins, acorns and corn with silver and aqua ornaments. These little jars are such a simple way to make a bold statement.

The silver Christmas tree I also found at Tai Pan.

And the wreath I found at Michaels for $15 bucks. I just hung it with some aqua ribbon I had left over from my

picture frame re-do.

Original article and pictures take www.thesunnysideupblog.com site

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