пятница, 19 июня 2009 г.

delicate little things

delicate little things

If you know me, than you know I am a total holiday lover. I don’t know what it is but I truly love the excitement and family bonds that come with getting together to celebrate each occasion. For obvious reasons, Christmas is #1 in my book. #2 is just a few points shy from stealing #1s thunder, that’s The fourth of July.

I grew up in a small town and am lucky enough to raise my little’s here. I love the holiday spirit that my little hometown has. We go all out for the 4th of July and there is nothing better.

We have parades, boutiques, fireworks, fish grabs, a park full of entertainment and events, booths, beauty queens, horse races, endless foods, and joy. It’s a time to gather and enjoy time vising friends old, and new, while celebrating such a beautiful country we have been blessed to call home.

If you couldn’t tell the pride I have in my heart for our small towns 4th of July rings true and strong. I love this little place I call home. The land of the free, because of the brave.

I really didn’t do much but add a few things to get that charm that says LET FREEDOM RING. I removed my usual pillows and pops of color, leaving a neutral canvas. You know I love good neutrals. I added some vintage blue linens throughout the room, and of course flags. The easiest centerpiece was adding some flags into my glass antique jugs and mason jars. I would have loved to do a bit more, and i am sure next year I will. But for now with how busy and chaotic my life has been lately these few touches were perfect. Simple, sweet, and very affordable.

I know the pieces in this room may not be the most glamours but they each are so special to me. most of the pieces have been passed down from family that all hold a place in my heart.

coffee table: was my mothers. the table I grew up using as my dancing stage. if it wasn’t the stage I was rehearsing my tap dancing on, it was my fashion runway. this table is ridden with marks and scrapes but they are each sentimental. this table is now used daily in my daughters home gymnastics routines. I can’t wait to see what else this table will be.

couch table: was passed down from my grandma that lives faraway from us. so having it in my home reminds me of her.

blue rug: was the first rug my parents purchased together after getting married.

antique windows: are the original windows from my grandparents home, whom my great grandpa built.

little gray dresser: that dresser used to bring my heart hope and pain. while we were struggling year after year to get pregnant I spotted it and knew i wanted it for my future nursery. I saved it year after year until it finally was placed in our first baby girls room. now, one of the main focal points in our living space. to remind me that times are hard, but they always get better.

mirror: was yet another treasure I found on the side of the road that my dear hubby graciously helped me load in the back of our car. all though my treasure collecting or “hoarding” as he calls it may not be his favorite, but he knows it makes me happy.

the two gray hutches: more “hoarding finds” that together with my husband we fixed, loved, and refinished.

white buffet: I traded photography work for it because we didn’t have any extra money at the time. It the first antique piece of furniture that my husband and I refinished together. He worked so hard to sand it down, and restain the top for me. It has been a piece I have enjoyed everyday, our hard work paid off.

wing back chairs: oh these chairs. “another hoarder story” while living in our first ever apartment together I found in the dumpster behind our house two of the cutest PINK antique chairs. Pink is my favorite color. I had to have them. So while my newly made husband was at work I carried one at a time up our flight of stairs and into our little empty home. I was so excited. He on the other hand was not so thrilled. Because he loved me dearly he put up with them. but not for long… Once we made plans to move back to my hometown he said they had to go. I was so sad, I had always wanted two matching wingback chairs. They were tattered, broken, and honestly ugly. But the plans I had for them were beautiful and new. He promised to someday buy me two new and beautiful matching chairs. finally after getting into our second home together he surprised me with these beauties. My first real piece of furniture that wasn’t a DIY project. I just love him.

white couch: from the lovely IKEA. the covers are washable and replaceable. thankful for that because I have washed this couch countless times. It truly has stranded the test of time. the second piece of real furniture we have purchased, brand new, from the store.

crates, baskets and trinkets: have all been antique finds I have been slowly collecting over the years. mostly at thrift stores, yard sales or antique shops.

greenery: is mostly faux, also from ikea, or thrift stores along the way. but my fern and rubber tree are from home depot $14.99 each. Cant beat that!

chandelier: was something I collected while on a shopping trip with my grandma. I will never forget our many trips hunting for treasures. she shares the same love for collecting pieces as I do. I get it all from her.

Original article and pictures take www.themrsandmommabird.com site

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