понедельник, 24 ноября 2008 г.

Christmas in the Family Room

Christmas in the Family Room

Last year I don’t think I ever really finished decorating our family room for Christmas. After I started adding soft blues and greens to the room, our mostly red and green bright and festive Christmas decorations no longer worked. Happily, those decorations found a new home on the back porch and our living and dining room. Red and green will always be my favorite colors to decorate with for the holidays, but in this one room it was fun to do something a little different.

Christmas in the Family Room - The Endearing Home

It’s taken some time to search for new ornaments and holiday décor with colors that worked with the new look of the room, but little by little it’s starting to come together. I would still like to find a few more things to add, maybe I’ll have some luck with the after Christmas sales. For now, I am excited that our family room feels much more complete this year than last and ready to enjoy for the holidays.

Christmas in the family room - The Endearing Home

One thing I really struggle with each year when it comes to decorating our home for Christmas is trying to find a balance between just enough and too much. I either under decorate making the house feel blah or I overdue it leaving the house feeling cluttered. Lately, I have been leaning towards keeping things more on the simple side. My thought is by doing this I will be able to sit back and enjoy the glow of the holiday lights for a while. Otherwise, I know I will end up with my usual feeling of being in a rush to take it all down to have my house back and feeling organized again.

Christmas in the family room - The Endearing Home

What helped to keep things on the simple side in the family room was the addition of our Christmas tree. In years past the tree was in the living room, but this time I thought it be a nice change to have it in our family room where we spent the most time. This is seriously the biggest tree we have ever had and I love it. With such a big tree you really don’t need to add much more, the tree is simply beautiful on its own.

Christmas in the family room - The Endearing Home

Adding monograms to the stockings is definitely on the to do list for next year.

Christmas in the family room - The Endearing Home

This vignette is a mix of Home Goods and TJ Maxx finds and a bowl from the kitchen. I love how the light reflects off the mercury glass.

Christmas in the family room - The Endearing Home

Christmas in the family room - The Endearing Home

This was so easy to put together. It’s three ornaments stacked on top of one another and then I added the greenery.

Christmas in the family room - The Endearing Home

I haven’t quite figured out what to do on this side of the room yet, for now it’s good enough.

Christmas in the family room - The Endearing Home

Christmas in the family room - The Endearing Home

As much as the constantly dropping pine needles drive me crazy, I can’t imagine living in North Carolina and not having a real tree. It also make the house smell so good!


Well, that’s our family room all decked out for Christmas, hope you enjoyed the tour! I’m not sure what I will be adding to the room for next year, but one thing I do know is that I will be keeping it simple. I have really been enjoying the glow.

Original article and pictures take www.theendearinghome.com site

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