вторник, 31 октября 2017 г.

Wood Slice Magnets

Wood Slice Magnets
Wood Slice Magnet Tutorial - Suburble.com (1 of 1)

Woodland creatures on wood slices….

Are you as tickled as I am?

Wood Slice - Suburble.com (1 of 1)

Once upon a last December, my friend, Krista, from The Happy Housie, featured a fabulous Wood Slice Wine Glass Charm tutorial on her blog. I told her how much I loved them and that I’d have to convince her hubby to slice up some of those little wooden circles for me.

And awesomely enough, he did!

I received a little package of wood slices from her in the mail, and I’ve been dying to craft with these awesome little guys.

Wooden Magnets with Silhouettes  - Suburble.com (1 of 1)

And it was the Silhouette that whispered to me the other day. “Put little shapes on them… and then a magnet on their backs… it will be sheer loveliness.”

I couldn’t argue with a good idea.

Wood Slice Magnets - Suburble.com (1 of 1)

I love my wood slice magnets. There’s something so satisfying about the contrast of the natural wood and the metal of my magnetic bulletin board.

Wooden Magnets with Woodland Silhouettes  - Suburble.com (1 of 1)

And they’re SO easy. Shapes cut from adhesive vinyl are slapped onto these babies and you’re just a magnet away from being done.

I’m thinking that these would be a great hostess gift…. and we’re nearing on garden party season, aren’t we?

Always looking for a quick and easy handmade gift idea? Subscribe to Suburble and get them delivered to your inbox!

Original article and pictures take www.suburble.com site

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